Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


two girls in the tub!

I have been waiting for this day. Giving Ava a bath is not the easiest thing in the world with all that we have going on in a given night so she usually gets a shower with one of us. She never was a big fan of the bath BUT tonight we put them both in since Ava is sitting in the Bumbo for short amounts of time now. It wasn't real easy but it was nice to get two done simultaneously. The Bumbo was floating so it took one person to hold it down and one to protect her from the 3 year old and then any free hand was used to wash them. The moral of the story might be this: the Bumbo is for everything! You don't need a bath chair or even a high chair when you have a Bumbo. You can use it in shallow pools too. (It has a tray you can buy separately for eating and playing.) It isn't perfect but it gets the job done.

Overall, the bath was a success! Both got cleaned and Ava didn't cry :)

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