Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Monday, February 23, 2015

snow days

The "snow days" ended up being a lot of ice and not ideal for playing in but it was still nice to have time off together. We enjoyed two days off of school and then two days of delays. Of course it made this Monday that much harder but worth it nonetheless. Hoping for a little bit of actual snow before the winter is over.

Randy took the girls out for a little bit while I caught up on laundry and then Bella asked for a fire... (I took the outside pics from the comfort of my home with the front door opened just enough!)

Oh yes! And of course my girls had their princess gowns on (with coats and the like on top) but for dinner out one night they wore their snow pants. Go figure!

Sunday, February 15, 2015


We invited our wonderful and amazing neighbors over for the Superbowl this year. We have spent many a nights watching football with them (especially Randy and Ryan) and so it seemed like the right way to end the season. We served an italian hero (an amazing Pinterest recipe using crescent rolls), monster cookie dough dip (one of my go-to's), buffalo chicken dip, hot and easy pizza dip plus Randy made his famous wings before the game started. It was a lot of fun and the kids did well plus we put them to bed at halftime which worked out well. Our neighbors are expecting their first baby, a little boy, so we are thrilled to have him to look forward to in late May. While they were over though, we let them have some "practice" (as if they need it! they both come from very large families and Mindy was a nanny most of her adult life).

Porter had his own football chair ready and was all about checking the game out (for a few minutes anyway).

Saturday, February 14, 2015

nine months is not equal to nine months

I have said it before but this time it is no lie and if possible, even more true! These nine months have FLOWN by unlike the nine months this baby spent on the inside (those nine months dragged on and on). I just cannot believe Porter is nine months old. I barely remember him being a newborn.

He was officially nine months Monday and we had his well check that day as well. Ava got a Doc McStuffins doctor's kit for her birthday and brought it along so the doctor (she is the best!) let her help give him a check up. He missed his nap but was still doing fairly well. When checking his ears, however, the doctor saw he had a double ear infection! I was so upset thinking about the fact that he was in pain and we had no idea. He had shown no signs and I had actually made an appointment for him last week when I took Ava. (She had an ear infection on her birthday but he checked out clear! He had been fussy the morning of so I thought it would be a good idea after the two of them having colds to have his checked as well. I guess his developed afterwards.) Thankfully we had the well visit, otherwise who knows how long it would have been before he started to show signs. Our doctor also had to fix his private area. She has to do this at almost every appointment. Because he is so chunky, the skin down there sticks. Poor guy. He was not a happy camper by this point. I held him and comforted him just in time for the nurse to come in and prick his heel. As soon as he was calm again, another nurse came in to give him his shot. So after no nap, double ear infections, a very sensitive area being messed with, a heel prick and a shot, he was ready to get out of the there! We went and picked up the antibiotic and headed home. I did not want to leave my little guy but I had one last night at my internship. My mom took good care of him (Randy was out of town for work) and he slept well which is most important. He loves the medicine so giving that has not been an issue, thankfully.

In other news. he scoots his way around the house, following the girls and even banging at their door should they try to shut it. He is still full of smiles and waves at strangers. He eats like a man and hasn't found anything he doesn't like. He continues to sleep well and he has eight teeth now! He had cheerios for the first time tonight and enjoyed those. At this point we will start to give more of what we are eating at meals and try new finger foods. One of his favorite things to do is go to Harris Teeter and ride in the race car cart. He loves "driving" and waving at all the ladies shopping and all the employees that will pay attention.

He weighs almost 22 pounds and is in the 75th percentile for both height and weight and 80th for head width. He is wearing 18 months, some 12 months, size clothes. He loves to go the nursery at church and doesn't mind childcare at the Y but I am just hoping this lasts because the separation stuff can rear its ugly head around this age and that will be hard on this mama's heart.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

One. Two. THREE!

We have a three-nager in the hoooooooooooooooouse! And the things they say about three-nagers is true... She wants everything in increments of threes and she wants to do everything by her "own self!" We celebrated with family the Saturday before her birthday (which fell on a Wednesday) and after that everyone that wished her a happy birthday got this response, "I already had my birthday silly." It can be confusing for a little one. We had lunch and cupcakes and of course princesses and pink.

On her actual birthday we went to... wait for it... the doctor! That's right. She was up all night on Tuesday and eventually said it was her ears (pronounced eaws) and so we made an appointment and she did in fact have an ear infection. We laid low after that and ate chicken nuggets at home per her request. We watched Beauty and the Beast as a family. Ava had never seen it and loved it. On Thursday we took cupcakes to school for her to celebrate with her friends. Her only request this year was pink cupcakes and rings in the cupcakes so planning was easy peasy. I kept is super simple and she seemed to be pleased...

preparing for the party... (Apparently at this age baking is to be done in the nude. I have the same pic from Bella at this age.)

thankfully a robe was added...

my handsome hubby doing double baby duty... (notice how relaxed Sloan is in his arms!)

birthday night...

the day of school she decided to change her frosting request to purple since it was purple show and tell... (good thing I waited to make them the morning of! not really... I do not like early mornings!!)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

my girls.

This about sums up the difference between the two: (and if only you could see the back of Ava's hair)