Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

two funnies

this is what happened when i sent Bella to wash her hands while i changed a diaper. guess i didn't think it through.

this is what we do on a nice day ;)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ava met more family today!

My dad hosted a lunch today for his side of the family. It was exciting to introduce Ava to her great grandfather and lots of other family including all of her other cousins.

hand me downs!



Ava's first walk

3 weeks

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

her first person!

Bella made her first real drawing! See the little person that looks like a circle with arms, legs, eyes & a mouth? She says it's Pop Pop :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

two weeks old already

I am so excited! My friend Christie came over again today and took some pictures of Ava (and the family). I can't wait to show everyone. I am hoping to get a couple of good black and whites to add to the nursery.

In other news, tonight is my 10 year (11 years actually) high school reunion for East Meck so Randy and I are enjoying our first night out together in a loooong time! Pictures to come...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

from big sister to little sister

Last night Bella got her Bible out to read to Ava. She was mumbling something about "Ava should not make that noise..."

Bella always comments on or questions the noises (grunts, etc) that Ava makes, and I guess now we know she isn't a fan.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Randy and I won't be celebrating this year other than hopefully catching a movie on tv before we pass out tonight, but we have a special gift to love on instead. We are so in love with our new little angel and so is Bella.

Bella had a great time today at school giving her cards out and having a little party. She came home with a huge smile and a bag of treats. Nana gave her a huge cupcake yesterday for Valentine's Day and her GaYa is giving her a couple gift this afternoon after her nap. She is a happy girl!

I will leave you with another comparison:
first bath


Saturday, February 11, 2012

now for some fun

i could not wait to be able to this when i was pregnant so here is the first of many comparisons of the two girls.



one week old

and wow! did that fly by!

sweet snuggles

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bella meets Ava

Bella was the first to meet Ava. When she walked into the room, she acted like she understood just what had happened. She came over, looked at her and said she didn't like her blanket (she had brought one from home to give her instead). I had to ask her to give me a hug and kiss because she was so distracted. She climbed on my bed and looked over the edge of Ava's little crib. She was pretty excited. We let her sit in a recliner and hold her. It was a precious sight. She asked us if we get to take her home and of course we told her we would but we had a to stay at the hospital a couple of days. After a few minutes of meeting and greeting she went to the waiting room to invite the rest of the family in. She came marching in and yelled, "Everybody! This is Ava!" She was still interested in going to her dance class that morning and a birthday party that afternoon so we let her indulge.

The next day Bella got to visit while her cousins were visiting so she had a blast. They brought gifts and all played together. Each one had a turn holding Ava. I think Bella liked showing her off. After they left, my mom, Grandma and Randy's parents got to witness her precious comments to and about her baby sister. She was holding her and kissing her and my mom said, "You love Ava, don't you?" and she said, "Yeah, I wuv my sister." It melted us all. Randy grabbed the flip camera after that and recorded the rest. (working on posting)

When we got home Monday, Bella arrived a few minutes later and asked where Ava was. She was in her carseat on the floor only inches away but Bella looked in my tummy, in the pack-n-play, and all around. We finally had to tell her she was right there! She kind of jumped back. It was pretty funny. Almost immediately Bella shared a doll with Ava and then started changing and taking care of all of her babies. Bella had come in with all kinds of treats her Nana and Grandma bought her and beautiful flowers & roses for me!

One of the things I love is how she asks to hold Ava and how she always says, "Her is so wittle." She always wants to know where Ava is.

Other than a minor meltdown Monday night after we got home, Bella is adjusting wonderfully! Randy printed a picture for her to take to school with her yesterday and so she showed everyone and wanted to hang the picture on her classroom door. The meltdown she had was when Randy had to leave to go to the pharmacy for me. She was torn and couldn't decide what to do- stay here with me or go with him to the store. She didn't cry long but you could tell she was due for some mommy/daddy time in her own home. That night she ate a whole peanut butter & jelly sandwich and a plate of spaghetti. She acted like she was starving to death. I think she was finally feeling settled. She passed out that night and has slept soundly each night since. Last night she even wet the bed but never woke up- not even as Randy changed her.

We are taking little Miss Ava to her first check-up this afternoon and then hopefully will spend the afternoon and evening with Bella and GaYa.

What is the hardest thing so far? lack of sleep? midnight feedings? No. That is all going well. The hardest part is not being able to walk, move around, clean my house and pick up my little girl. I am not supposed to drive for two weeks or pick up Bella for six weeks. I am trying to take it easy but if I am not being productive, I notice crumbs or clutter... little messes everywhere rear their ugly heads to tempt me.


more on these sweet girls soon...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Labor & Delivery

My water broke at 2:37am on Friday night/Saturday morning. Unlike when my water broke with Bella, it burst! I sat straight up and yelled to Randy. He jumped up and started getting ready. I sat there. waiting. afraid to move. He called my sister and then my mom while I called the doctor's office. I had to wait for a call back and then another but we knew we needed to move quickly. A few minutes later the intense contractions began- only a few minutes apart- just like last time. There is no warning or gradual increase in pain- it just starts violently with my babies! Randy helped me dress and we tried to make it downstairs. I was moving really slow and like last time, had to stop every couple of minutes for contractions. My sister had arrived but I could not move any faster- from both pain and fear. I did not know how we were going to make it to the hospital but surprisingly the drive was a little more calm as I concentrated on breathing through the contractions. When we got to the hospital, everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion. I had a contraction as I was checking in so I was laying over on the counter for a minute or more. It was incredibly painful to get to the room but thankfully the very first room was available. I was standing as a nurse helped me change into a gown but I was not able to move much on my own. The pain had me frozen and screaming. I was so loud. I was 9cm when we arrived (also like last time) but before I could get in the bed to be checked, I felt Ava pushing her way down. There were five nurses and I had been pleading for an epidural trying to convince them that I knew I was super far along and that this happened last time. I still felt like people were moving in slow motion. I did hear one nurse say on the phone- "she needed an epidural like yesterday. Are they coming?" The midwife on call was Jessica. I went to high school with her and she was one year ahead of me! I could not stop belting out in pain and could not get myself to move at all. I was stiff. One nurse finally got me focused and stayed in my face, coaching me through. I heard Jessica say to me, "I don't think we are going to get an epidural" after asking many times to which I yelled, "Oh yes we are!" She was the right one though- I had a baby a few minutes later. I was too far along to get an epidural and there was not enough time for the IV to finish giving me fluids, something that has to be done before. We checked in at 3:16am and Ava was born at 3:55am. I continued to sweat, scream, yell, moan and squeeze with all of my might. I was terrified as I realized I was going to be doing this naturally. The midwife let me know she was going to preform an episiotomy to make more room for her to come out. The pushing part actually felt good until I felt burning. It was brief but it made it hard to want to push. I don't remember feeling much different as she came out. I was relieved that the VBAC was a success but there was not a difference in the physical feeling as she actually exited my body. I just believed them that she had made it out and then I held her warm body myself. This was the best part- seeing my baby. With Bella, Randy and I were not able to see the birth because I was put to sleep for a c-section. The midwife began stitching me up and then Dr. Garcia finished. He informed me that I had 3rd degree lacerations (you can read about that here). He seemed pretty serious as he worked but I could care less at the time. I was so thankful that labor was over. It wasn't until it took him a long period of time to finish and the pain of the stitching that I started to realize what this meant. Ava actually pooped on me as she was being delivered so he worked to clean me as well. He delivered the placenta and then completed a few more stitches. I started asking for medicine right away and then for some water. There never was really any relief from the pain and I am still really struggling with it. It is almost impossible to sit without hurting. I am using a lot of ice! and pain med.s of course but nothing actually takes it away. A few minutes after delivery a nurse handed me my earring. Ava had grabbed it from my ear when they laid her on me and they had found it in her hand!

Ava weighed 8lbs and 2oz in our room and then the doctor later told us her official weight was 8lbs 3oz. She was 19 and a half inches long. Having her vaginally was such a relief and I am thankful, BUT the recovery has NOT been easier. At this point, I am giving them a tie. I am having so much pain and I am not really able to walk yet. The walking issues are due to the expansion of my hips I believe. I usually have to hold on to something and I am always hunched over. The contracting pain I am experiencing is minimal- mostly during feedings- and the Motrin is a big help. If we have a third baby and I could choose the way of delivery, I don't know what I would choose! They have both been really intense and apparently my babies come fast- too fast! The major advantage of the VBAC was seeing Ava right away and not being loopy afterwards but most c-sections have those advantages as well- mine was a 1 out of 100 chance being put to sleep and all. I will have to have some serious conversations with the ob/gyn before I would be willing to have a third child- something I actually would have loved to have done before this experience! :)

Breastfeeding could not be better. She latched on right away in the hospital and has been doing great. I haven't had any pain or soreness at this point and my milk came in this morning. She was pooping A LOT on day one- very different from our jaundice experience with Bella.

We are thrilled beyond belief and the experience of becoming a family of four is as sweet as can be.. now that the violent labor is over! Timing was great- Randy can be home with us for 9 days because of the two weekends. Of course we knew God's timing would be perfect!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ava Hope Eich joins the family!

My sweet little angel arrived at 3:55 this morning. She weighs 8lbs. 3oz. and is 19 and half inches. She has black hair and resembled a sumo wrestler at birth :) Bella is so happy and was the first to meet her. She brought the family in and said, "Everybody, this is Ava!" She is anxious to take her home... for now!

Unfortunately, Ava did come as fast as we thought she would and there was no time for an epidural but the VBAC was a success. To God be the glory! I was not a happy camper during labor and delivery, but of course everything changes when they put your baby in your arms.

More birth story and pictures later.