Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Water, Lemonade and VBS

Bella had vacation bible school this week at the church where she goes to preschool. It was great for her to have some structure for a few days plus have a lot of fun! (She gets a little funny acting after being away from other kids and organized activities too long.) As part of VBS the kids had a mission project to collect $5- a dollar a day- to help build a water well in a country where children are forced to carry huge jugs for hours just to get dirty water for their drinking. This is something Randy and I are familiar with because our own church made a similar effort educating families on facts and ways to help about a year and a half ago. It was something we felt strongly about and had even started making plans with our bible study group to work on a project- unfortunately the plans fell through. Anyway, it was neat to have Bella so interested in something we also have a heart for. She kept talking to us each night at dinner and eventually she decided she wanted to do a lemonade stand to raise her five dollars. It was Thursday night, the money was due Friday and we had no lemons. Randy ran into Harris Teeter that afternoon to pick up something and decided to grab some lemons just in case. He and Bella came back to the car asking how much lemonade I could make with five lemons. I told them not much but she could sell what we could make! It was 5pm mind you but thought maybe we could attract a few customers driving home from work. She got set up and I went inside for just a minute and she got her first customer. He gave her $5 and didn't care what she was raising it for. Ha! A few minutes later she had a couple more customers and then a couple more and our small pitcher was gone. She raised $11. Earlier this year she had asked if she could sell lemonade to get money for our vacation this summer and we told her she could, but after she finished the lemonade stand we asked her if she wanted to save any for that and she wanted to give it all to the water effort. It was precious. Anyway, that night Randy mentioned what she was doing to his men's bible study and one of the guys gave another $5. She got to give $16 and some change and she was thrilled!

(not sure what this pose is about but it is showing up more and more these days. ugh.)

Friday, June 20, 2014

On the Last Day...

The last day of swim lessons we got a little treat. Along with the girls' certificates and free kids meals, we got to go on the water slides! Bella is the one that is a little more fearful and reserved in this department so even though she could ride with her teacher and have someone catch her at the bottom, she opted not to go down. Ava on the other hand was ready! I got to take her since it was a parent/child class and we had so much fun. We handed them off at the bottom so they wouldn't go under but the moms didn't have such luck! I felt like I deserved a high five after that and actually reached out to give her teacher one when she was really waiting for Ava to give her one..hahhaa.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

My niece, Sloan Asael Scurry

Born on the 28th of May... at 11:02 pm. She was 6lb 15oz and 19 1/2 inches.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Father's Day

This year we got up early and cooked Randy breakfast- bacon, eggs and blueberry waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. He is usually the one up cooking so we had to treat him right! The previous day we worked really hard on a homemade apple pie, one of his favorites. Each of the girls helped me with it. We gave him a card and peanut M&M's (from his little peanuts) and then took him out to lunch after church. That evening we went to his parents to celebrate father's day and his mom's birthday! We ate and watched the end of the US Open.

We are so lucky to have him as a husband and father. He is the best dad I know!

(This last picture is Randy's dad, Pop Pop, holding Porter for the first time. It was priceless! They were so cute. Porter was so intrigued and kept smiling up at him.)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Little Swimmers

It was past time to get the girls in swim lessons. Bella continues to have fear of the water and it really gets to Randy. Thankfully we love our YMCA and trust them. Their prices aren't bad either. I had a lot of help the first week- between my dad, grandmother and mother-in-law- and boy did I need it! Ava's class was one that an adult does with her so Porter was in need of someone to hang out with. This week Randy is able to go with us and we are able to spend a little extra time afterwards playing and having a picnic. Last week was cool and cloudy while this week is HOT! Needless to say, our summer tans have began taking off. The girls are doing well and actually loving every moment! Bella has started swimming by herself. We just need to get that face in the water.

The girls are both so patient while the other is in class. They watch each other and cheer each other on. Ava learned thumbs up from GaYa!

Memorial Day Weekend

So... I am late on this but we had a great extended weekend Memorial Day weekend. We were able to see Randy's parents, my mom and my dad and my grandmother. I also got to see my dear friend Lauren and her family! We didn't do too much but eat and hang out around the house as we were all still adjusting to being a family of five. One of the nights we went over to our friend/neighbor's place and ate a delicious meal and hung out- the girls mostly talking and the boys playing horseshoe.

I did get to set up my mother's day present, a new hammock! I got swarmed by kids and didn't do much relaxing but it was nice to have it up and see everyone having fun. (You will also notice some nice chocolate drool on Ava's face!)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Another Gardening Update

The garden is taking off! A few more strawberries, some lettuce and lots of kale. The tomatoes, cucumbers and broccoli should be ready any time now. We also have carrots and lots of herbs growing. It has been so much fun to try, especially for the kids.

A few days later I decided to check on the carrots and found one! I also found a cucumber! Now, come on tomatoes!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Our Little Tumblers!

The girls finished gymnastics last Saturday. They received certificates and ribbons and were pretty proud of themselves. It was great to have something for the girls to do with Randy on Saturdays during my pregnancy and the early weeks of Porter's life so they didn't feel left out and they got exercise!

one month

Porter was officially one month on June 9th. He had his one month check up today and did great. He stared at the Dr and even smiled at her. He is in the 90th % for weight and 80th % for height and head width which is very different than his sisters!! They were always much shorter with larger heads and lower in weight. He is eating a lot, sometimes every two hours! He doesn't sleep unless he is in his carseat or in our arms so that is quite a challenge. He is still quite loud and a little gassy (though it is getting a little better with time). We still love him to pieces though and the girls continue to be helpful.

In his first month, he traveled to watch the girls in their gymnastics class, he went to church for the first time and hung out poolside while the girls had swim lessons. He has been a pretty good sport!

Snuggles with sissy: (He didn't want to let go when Daddy tried to move him- he squealed and wrapped his arms around her!)


In the lobby at church- didn't quite make it into the service but he had a cute little polo and loafers on:

Sunday, June 1, 2014