Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Friday, February 26, 2010

does quack quack count...

as a first word? you be the judge. i think we are going to go with no. B is learning to mimic sounds but i think until she says something with meaning, we aren't going to count these as first words :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

P Diddy

My dear, dear, friend, Kalle (recently back from Seattle) has a precious and handsome little boy who is exactly one month younger than Bella. His name is Pearce and his parents like to call him P Diddy. Yesterday Bella and I had the privilege of having a play date at their place. Bella and Pearce were so excited to play together! Both of them got sleepy after a short time but it was so sweet to watch them while it lasted. It is always quite the magic trick to plan anything during the day especially between naps. Anyway, Bella must have watched him closely because she stood up on her own for a long few seconds while we were at their house!
We get to see them again on Friday when we take our play date downtown. Our "baby mama club" is going to ride the light rail to ImaginOn for story time. We are really looking forward to that!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bella swings!

Randy and I introduced Bella to swinging yesterday. This past weekend was just absolutely beautiful and we took full advantage by spending some time at our favorite park.


Last weekend Bella had a birthday party to go to for one of her BFFs, Sophia. Bella acted like she had been doing it for years. She ate... a lot and played the whole time. They had a little bouncy house and a tent, both of which Bella seemed to love. We really enjoyed ourselves. Thank you Simones!

my sweet girl...

keeps giving me hugs! they are non-stop. i don't ever want her to grow up!

Friday, February 19, 2010

counting teeth

Bella has yet another tooth poking through! Which explains why I have had next to no sleep lately :) The strange thing is that the tooth poking through is to the right on top so it is not the typical front tooth that usually comes in next on babies (although that one is visable under the gum so it will most likely be next).

Sunday, February 14, 2010

a whole new world

bella is in to everything! first it was her daddy's cookies which made her throw up. in the middle of the night i might add. then it was the fireplace where we have little pebbles, and on a daily basis she is turning up the volume on the stereo and trying to touch the tv. she hears the word, "no" a lot these days and is pretty good about listening but there are times she looks right at randy before going for the tv. the little sinner :)the other day she got in to our Scrabble game and when she saw me coming, she started cramming the little wooden letters in her mouth. as i speak, she is standing in the pantry and inspecting every little snack. she can't get through the wrappers but it is so cute how she picks them up one by one, looks at them and then tries to put them back in the right basket. i cannot wait to get my camera back so i can post some stinkin' pictures!!!

Happy 10 months to her today! We are getting ready to give her a little V-day treat. She hasn't ever seen bubbles before so we got her some scented bubbles for her to open. Randy also brought her home a sweet little rose.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

its official!

Bella is crawling! But not without her "snack trap" in hand. Video to follow soon.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bella's First Snow

Friday night we got a little winter weather. We actually got a lot more snow than we usually do. We took Bella out Saturday but only lasted about 5 minutes. Sunday, however, was much better! It was sunny and warm and we played a while and watched while Daddy dug the cars out and shoveled the front steps.

PS. Bella is doing some crawling! (very short distances so I don't consider it official) She likes to clap too :)