Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

4 months

This month little man is getting aggressive with his toys and pulls them down! He goes to bed about 7pm but is waking up a little earlier- sometimes 4am- and then goes back to sleep until 8 or so. He was able to go to camp with us so he sat on a horse which was so fun for Bella. He burps like a grown man! He has started to suck on his fingers which if you know me, this is not my favorite thing. It is the number one reason I continue to offer my babies a paci. (You can take a paci away but fingers... not so much). Of course sometimes he gags himself with those little things. He has been trying his darndest to roll over to his belly from his back and boy, does he get mad! He is very vocal. Whether he is happy and talking up a storm or very upset and screaming his head off, he lets us know he is there! We went through our diaper stash so I started cloth diapering this month. I am using them while we are at home and still using disposable when out and about. He gets a lot of attention when we go out because he is so happy. He just smiles like crazy when people stop to look at him. Unfortunately, at home, he is not this happy. I am guessing he will be an extrovert.

Well, he had his 4 month well check today and he was 17 pounds! Crazy! He is in the 90th percentile for weight and 85th for height and head width. he grew 2 and a 1/2 inches in two months. She mentioned he was very proportionate! (which is very different from the girls who were always 25th in height and weight but 90th for head!) Anyway, we talked about his being grumpy and he showed the Dr his dramatic ups and downs in the short time she was with us. It seems as though he is as healthy as can be but probably just frustrated often times because he can't be as active as he wants to be which makes perfect sense to me! Just last night he was doing full on acrobatics in the den, hanging his head upside down off the boppy and trying to watch football with Daddy. He was also cracking up today as the Dr held him and let him "jump" up and down. Tonight Randy had to do this with him constantly just so we could get through dinner. It looks like it is time to get out the johnny jump up and the exersaucer!

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