Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Isn't it ironic?

I am not sure how these things happen. Well, I do know but let's not go there. Ironic and yes, I really do think.

We knew we wanted more children and that we were not done but this was another surprise as we have talked many times about waiting until I was done with school. We just moved. We are living on one income. I am in school. There are a million reasons not to have a baby, but thank goodness the Lord is in control of that. Once I took a test and had confirmation that I was pregnant, I thought back and so many things foreshadowed this little bean.

First, several of my friends are pregnant with their third children or just had their third and I found myself wishing we were in a place to have another one. I got major baby fever around my birthday, especially when I held my friend's new baby, Stone. Then the other day Ava started her little jealous act when we were at a friend's and I thought how tough Ava would make it on a little one and me... she may have a hard time being a big sister. A few short days later I felt super nauseous and could not sleep. Soon a migraine set in and I thought, "I am probably pregnant." I didn't really think I was but it crossed my mind. After leaving family camp Monday we talked about how we wanted to come back the next year and we talked about how it would be easier as Ava got older. In the back of my mind, though, I thought I should be careful what I say. We may end up going to camp with a newborn like the people in the next cabin over! After another night of not being able to sleep which happens every time I am preggo and after I dropped the girls off for their first day of school I had this overwhelming feeling and I just knew. I messed up though when I went to my internship meeting and asked the director how they deal with pregnant staff. After her response I said, "I'm not and don't plan on it. I was just curious how clients react to that." Ha! God has a good sense of humor, remember? I have been taking birth control consistently since Ava was born but this, too, is not too strange as I became pregnant with Bella while on birth control. Anyway, while Ava and I were out for an errand I picked up a couple of super cheap pregnancy tests. I took one later that afternoon and knew what it would say. To my surprise, nothing showed up at first so I just left it on the counter and went on about the day. I couldn't put it out of my mind though and went back to check ten minutes later and just as I expected there was that second line. Shocked at the timing- God knows best. It will be right after Spring semester so I won't miss any classes or get behind in anyway. After I told Randy (he giggled like he has in the past- in disbelief and partial excitement I think), I decided to take another one in the morning just to be sure and it was positive too. So as we dive into the fall, busy with schools, and other things, a new little bean I will grow. Happily & humbled that the Lord entrusted us with another baby to raise.

Craving onion rings, hushpuppies, Wendy's fries, vinegar and pickles. Gross.

We decided to wait to let people in on this pregnancy for many reasons. In the past we told everyone as soon as possible. This time around there were some different factors- for one, my sister is hopefully having a baby soon and I wanted to wait as long as possible for her to be able to announce hers in hopes to not steal any thunder. Second, we were a little unsure of what people may think about us having another baby at this time (not that we could have prevented it it seems) and it certainly doesn't matter what others think- we are embracing this blessing- but it is hard to know how to announce something like that. Lastly, I had been on my birth control for several weeks into the pregnancy and had some concerns about whether or not the baby would be effected by that. It seems that it will not but there was definitely some fear involved. It would be easier sometimes to have just gotten it out there so that I could just explain that I am exhausted and emotional and not feeling well! Another thing I always wondered was if waiting like many people do until 13 weeks (the safety zone) if it would help time go by a little faster... having one trimester behind you, would it make the second and third trimesters a little more exciting and feel quicker?

I wrote all of the above a while ago! and since, we have many updates. We finally shared the news this past weekend with my sister shortly after she announced her pregnancy to the family. That's right! My sister found out three short weeks later that she was expecting and so we have kept our little secret the full 13 weeks. Anyway, we let everyone else in on the news the past two days. It feels so good to get it out as I have had a HARD time hiding the extra weight. Our due date is May 16th and my sister's is June 7th! I am no longer craving any of the above! It was cheesy cheddar burgers and fries from Wendy's until about a week ago and now it is salad, cereal, ,popcorn, all very weird and unrelated. Cheers to the next two trimesters!

1 comment:

  1. Case!! I had no idea!! Glad I kept scrolling down and reading ;) congrats!! Yall are awesome parents and maybe she will come a little early on my bday, 10 days early wouldn't be bad right??
