Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Monday, November 18, 2013

14 weeks

The scariest thing I have every experienced in my life. It was Friday evening and I had been napping. I got up to go to the bathroom and felt something trickle down my leg (sorry about the details). I looked to see bright red blood and I made it to the toilet where there was a lot more that continued to come. I was in shock. Randy was outside doing yard work so I called for Bella. She came running and I told her to go get Daddy, that it was an emergency and tell him that Mommy is bleeding. She did it like a champ. I could hear her telling him just what I said from our backyard. He came in and we decided we needed to get someone over to watch the girls so we could go to the Emergency Room. Again, this was the scariest thing I have experienced. I knew what bleeding during pregnancy meant and I had never had this happen before but it was like my worst fear happening before me.

Luckily my mom was available and close so she and my grandmother headed over. We checked in and waited for what seemed like forever. We had just finished telling our families in the last few days and I had already ordered our Christmas cards, complete with the news. I was praying and cursing, all at the same time... shaking my head and thinking, "No way."

Everything they did took for.ever... They tried taking my blood and the CNA wasn't able and then she got paged out (thank goodness!). They transported me to get an ultrasound about an hour and a half into the trip. They wouldn't let Randy come in and I also knew enough from other people but I asked anyway, "Are you going to tell me if something is wrong or do I have to wait for the doctor?" and she confirmed I would have to wait. I knew this too, but asked her if I was going to be able to see the baby on the screen and she said no. I cried so hard and just said, "I will see you in May or I will see you in heaven little baby. I trust you Lord." Something about this woman, though, gave me hope. Her tone was telling me not to worry, though she never said that. It was the longest ultrasound I have ever had and not the kind you want to be having. They transported me back to my room in the ER and eventually did take my blood and did a catheter. After about four hours of being there we finally heard some news. The Dr let us know that the baby was alive and kicking (praise God!) but... this could mean I was going to miscarry soon. I was in shock. How you wait on something like that? What do you even do while you wait to see if you will? He said he was going to check with my Ob before discharging me to make sure there was nothing else he wanted them to do there that night so we waited again. A few minutes later the Dr on call at my OB spoke with the ER doctor and he came back saying, "You are going to like what she had to say..." He went on tell us that she said it was highly unlikely that I would miscarry and that I needed to take it easy. The bleeding was likely due to the location of the placenta and it will most likely move on its own in the next 10 weeks. This was much better news! I have a few instructions to follow for the next few weeks, I didn't sleep the first night and I am still worried and anxious BUT I do trust the Lord and believe that this baby will make it into my arms come May.

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