Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

This past week...

It has been a wonderful week at our house with Porter's first trip to the zoo, his first football game and his dedication ceremony at church. I was so excited to share the pictures and then we found that the memory card was deleted. I have to remind myself that it is not. that. big. of. a. deal. but like I said, I have to remind myself because I am severely disappointed.
Now, I am soo very happy to announce that I found the pictures! They weren't deleted after all! Someone just changed the settings on our camera so they are all still there!!! I will update with pictures soon.

Anyway, last Wednesday we took a family trip to the zoo with our leftover passes and the best part was having Ava be at an age where she was truly intrigued. I wish I had the picture to show of her with her mouth dropped open as she watched the giraffes eat out of other children's hands! In the past, we have caught the large turtles in the act of procreating if you know what I mean and this time they were at it again... but so were the lions! Yes, the huge lions that we never see move. The male was following the female around and then it got awkward. We also saw a squirrel running around (and getting awfully close to us) with no tail. He was busy picking up leftover food on the ground. It was an interesting trip!

Randy came across free Panthers tickets for the preseason game against the Buffalo Bills (his team!) so we took the family on Friday night to that. It was rough, unfortunately. We had to walk a way to the stadium after parking of course but with three kids and no strollers it was quite a feat. We had our backpack diaper bag stuffed full. I had been determined to pack any and everything to help make the night a success. As we got to the gate, however, we learned that bags are not allowed. We were forced to put all of our stuff in small, clear, plastic bags and carry them all. All nine of them. Randy hid our actual diaper bag in a nearby tree. By the time we got to our seats, we were all sweating and Porter was screaming and wouldn't nurse. Things started to settle down but then the Panthers would score, the crowd would go wild and so did Porter. Poor thing. Bella was complaining and was asking over and over again when it would be over. I had to laugh. We ended up leaving at half time and then took the long walk back to the van. The kids did even worse during that walk back- Ava just sat right down on the sidewalk and boycotted anymore walking. It was an adventure that is for sure!

{house divided! ha!}

Sunday we had Porter's dedication at our old campus in Ballantyne. We have since started a Waxhaw campus but it was going to be quite some time before they would be having a baby dedication so we decided to go ahead with it at Ballantyne. It went well. Randy and I renewed our vows again. After the ceremony, we had our families over for lunch. I did a salad bar and tomato pie. Delish! Luckily I have a few pictures from that from what other people took.

Now we are spending our last few days of summer at Myrtle Beach! That post coming soon...

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