Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Monday, March 14, 2016

And Last But Not Least...

Turner King Eich. So much to say!

I had a lot of anxiety about when Turner would come. With the last three labors the way they were, I knew what to expect. I spent lot of time praying, once again, that the Lord would give me a sign, some type of warning before it was too late. I honestly thought he would come on January 29th, the eve of 39 weeks, just like his big brother. I had some signs that he may come earlier but I didn't buy into it. I had played that game before. The only thing I knew was that I had some similar pain just minutes before my water broke with Porter. I had some painful contractions on Monday January 18th about 1 am and they lasted until about 4 am. At that point I got that pain and couldn't fall back asleep. Rather than waiting to see, I started to get up and get dressed. Randy asked me what I was doing and I said I thought this was it and that I was going to let my mom know. I wanted her to be here this time and that meant asking her even if I wasn't 100% sure- which I was not. We gathered our things and once she got here we went ahead and started heading to the hospital. I didn't have the guts to call the doctor's office yet so I just asked Randy to drive slow and take his time. Once we arrived, we parked right outside the ER and I had to talk myself into calling. This is what I had been praying for and if I wanted any chance of getting an epidural, I needed to see if I was truly in labor. I called and explained that I was not 100% sure but wanted to be checked and gave her my history. She was really nice and seemed to understand so she told me to head inside to get checked in. The lady that wheeled me from the ER to the Maternity wing was one of the nurse's aids we had the last time. She is an interesting one but very very nice. We got upstairs and I explained yet again my situation. I gave them my ID and insurance card and starting signing papers- these were all things I have never gotten to do before! It was weird and I was scared I was wrong and that I was going to be very embarrassed when they sent me home! They showed me my room and had me change into the gown all while I was thinking, "Lord, let this be it! I feel so stupid." I could not believe they were letting me have this huge "luxurious" labor/delivery room without even knowing for sure and I told everyone that. They don't have a triage room though so this was standard procedure. I told the doctor and a few of the nurses that I hoped I was not crying wolf. The doctor checked me and I was one cm, exactly what I was a few days before at my appointment but he said I should stay for a little bit and just see for sure before going back home. I was starting to feel stupid and just started praying. My contractions started back up and got a little more intense but compared to what I knew true labor to feel like, this was very benign. The shift changed and a new round of people came in and I felt the need to keep explaining myself. The nurse asked me a ton of questions and said she was just going to take her time allowing me to hang out as long as possible just in case. The new doctor came in and checked me and said I was now 3 cm and said, "I think we have our answer!" I cried and thanked the Lord! I really was in labor and I had made it and I was going to get an epidural! She explained that she would be back at 9 to break my water and then again at lunch to check my progress. I was not sure I wanted her to do that but just trusted it was the right thing. She did indeed break my water and after about an hour and a half I decided to go ahead with the epidural to be sure that he got there in time- it could have taken him a while to get there they said- and the pain was getting more intense quickly. The anesthesiologist was just precious, like a dad seeing his daughter in pain, he was so concerned with my pain and with getting me "comfortable" fast. It was interesting and though I am thankful I got it, I can now see both sides. The nurse checked me a couple times and I was progressing very slowly so she gave me a tiny bit of pitocin- she didn't feel I needed much. I have heard horror stories about this part but I already had my epidural so I didn't care, ha! The nurse checked one more time and said she needed a second opinion because she couldn't tell if I was complete for if she just wasn't at the right place. Before a second nurse could come, the doctor arrived and checked. She said I was indeed complete and that it was time to go. It took about three pushes and our little guy was there laying on top of me. Nothing compares. It is indescribable.

When we got there earlier that morning we had no clue as to what his middle name would be but before we delivered him we told the nurse and the doctor, both who had been in on the conversations, that we had decided on King. We wanted something that reflected the Lord's character and even though 'King' is different and was never on our radar, we both agreed and it fit. He happened to be born on Martin Luther King, Jr Day as well, which we thought was cool.

Turner came at 2:08 pm and weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces.

I was in shock that we had such a little baby as all the others were so much bigger... Bella (7.4), Ava (8.3) and Porter (8.12). We also have a number 4 thing and Turner did not come on a date with a 4 or a time with a 4 and this had my mind turning and my heart unsure about everything. I went through a spiral of guilt, wondering if I was responsible for him coming into the world too early. Should I have waited until my water broke on its own? Had I been so selfish to get an epidural that I interrupted the story? Turner is our number four baby but that is the only four. I have had more peace about the way it all happened as the weeks have passed but I will probably always wonder what would have happened if I hadn't been so anxious to go to the hospital that morning.

For the most part, everything went well in the hospital. He was circumcised and that went considerably better than it did with Porter. Porter cried a lot afterwards and it felt like he didn't stop for two months! Turner did not seem phased and we never even heard him cry once until he was about a week old. Having three other children that needed to be cared for was the most stressful part. I wanted to be in more than one place at a time and sent Randy to be with them when I would have loved to have him there with me. It was tough. I was more exhausted this time around than I ever have been. It took a few days of being at home to get some rest and start being more emotionally on point. Randy was able to be home with us for about two weeks which was life-saving. I was a nervous wreck to start staying home with them all by myself but it has gotten better each day and I can say now that I am pretty comfortable.

When Turner was about 24 days old, I took him into the pediatrician after a few nights of congestion and labored breathing. He had scared me that morning when I buckled him in his car seat and I needed to have him checked! The doctor warned me that if his oxypulse was low, he would have to admitted but I was sure it would be fine and we would head home soon; however, this was not the case. To make a long and scary story short, we headed to Jeff Gordon's Children's Hospital in Concord via ambulance. He received albuterol and oxygen, was checked in the ER and then moved to his room upstairs. Not long after being there he was able to breath well without oxygen and was monitored closely for 24 hours and we were luckily discharged the next afternoon. It was a whirlwind of ups and downs, fears and blessings. I am so very thankful to be on the other side! He is now 8 weeks old, currently weighing in at 11lbs 5oz and healthy! He does have an umbilical hernia but it is not causing pain and there is no indication there will have be anything done other than keeping an eye on it. It will likely heal all on its own by the time he is a toddler.

He is a great baby and eats well. (He is gassy as he never perfected his latch while feeding and so we will be working on this in the near future.) He started a terrible habit of eating every two hours, day and night, so sleep has been lacking but in the last few days I have been able to stretch him to three hours and last night, after a long day, he gave me a glorious five hours at night. Lets hope this is going to be a regular occurrence. The kids love him so much and are so concerned with every detail of his day- this is especially true for Ava and Porter. Bella is a great help. I can count on her to snuggle him and hold him for me or to keep an ear out while we get yard work done and the like. I am looking forward to Easter and other Spring activities with this little guy!