He has started his babbling- "ba ba ba" and now he waves as if saying, "bye bye."
He is sleeping well but every once in a while throws us for a loop and wakes up randomly.
There is no check up for this month so no weight/height to update but he is large. Ha! He has two teeth and possibly two more on their way. He enjoys toys that talk and play music and loves to bang things to make noise. He still nurses well and I have been able to keep my supply which is an answer to prayer. I had to supplement with Bella around this age when I was away at work and I had completely changed over to formula for Ava at this point, but with Porter (and I think it is his constant demand) we have not had to use any formula. I pump before I go to bed and when I am away from him and while I do not have a great stock in the freezer by all means, we are getting by. Randy is so helpful in this. He also eats a lot of baby food: rice cereal/fruit for breakfast, and two meals with meat and vegetables for lunch and dinner. He has started being able to pick up puffs and eat them though he can get frustrated with that. I haven't been able to take on making my own baby food this time around and the selection at the stores is slim these days as most brands have recently added preservatives/acids that I am determined to avoid. With the girls it was easy to find jars of simply a vegetable or fruit and water. These days almost everything has something else but we are making it work. My biggest concern is providing a variety and I am determined that this child will not be as picky and will eat some meat for goodness sakes. The girls are still boycotting meat of all kinds- other than Chick-fil-A chicken, ugh.
He is sitting up a little here and there (his chub seems to be a factor) but most beneficial for us is that he able to use a high chair when we are out and about. He is not quite ready for the grocery cart but it shouldn't be long.
Overall, he is one happy baby. This past weekend we had a Christmas bonfire for church and we bundled him up in his new winter coat and stroller blanket and the boy looking like ET hiding in the stuffed animals (remember that part?) but he still cracked a smile at us behind that paci and I just melted.