Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

19 months

Ava is 19 months but just had her 18 month appointment. She did better than normal with the doctor and nurses. She is so weary of strangers! Anyway, everything checked well. She has two big teeth coming- they are the K-9s and this causes trouble on occasion. Her weight is fine and the doctor has never had any concerns about it. Personally, I really like the chunkiness! She weighs 28 lbs and she is in the 60th percentile for her height. Both girls got the flu vaccine, Bella got the mist and Ava had to have a shot. She also had one other shot. When we left she rubbed her little band-aids and looked at us like, "This hurts and I am sad!" Bella looked at me and said, "I know just how her feels." It was so sweet. Anyway, interest in the potty is around the corner and finally saying some words... Ava is growing up!

what i can remember for now of her vocabulary (but not the way she says them):
bar (this is a Nutri-grain Bar)
Da Da
Ma Ma
milk (sometimes)
all done
poop (one of our favorites)
car (sounds nothing like car)
Bella (sounds nothing like Bella)

she still signs "all done" and "more" when she says them and has her own sign for no, but doesn't say it surprisingly...

She is giving the tightest hugs and the sweetest little kisses lately.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

what goes on around here...

Bella loves to dress up. She also loves to dress her sister (and apparently horses and other animals too)!

Lately, Ava wants to climb in the car BY HERSELF and BUCKLE HERSELF and DRESS HERSELF none of which she really can do on her own except climb into her carseat (on good days). This takes us three times as long to do anything, but she is bound and determined and wants no help. It usually ends with my help and her screaming. She is still a sweetie though and doing so good and preschool!! Her teacher said she gets excited about doing everything does well sitting still during snack, songs and lunch too.

Here are a couple others: (Bella has to have all her animals with her!) (Ava loves the slides these days!)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of Pre-K!

Bella had her first day today of pre-K with Mrs. Boler at CLC- the Child Learning Center at Matthews Methodist. Ava had her first day of preschool in the ones class for the first time ever! Her teacher is Mrs. Wiley. They both did great and I was able to go to a meeting at my internship and get that squared away. It will be a busy but fun fall for us this year!

(I didn't have time to fix my chalkboard to say Ava was in fact in preschool not pre-K, but you can see the "ones" I added to make it different)

Family Camp

This past weekend we went to family camp at Camp Harrison. It was a blast! We signed up back in January right after we decided we should use our Christmas money to do something together. It was through the Y and they have very resonable pricing. The girls loved it and Ava was the cutest little camper. Bella kept saying, " I am so glad we came to family camp." There were horses, target sports, crafts, swimming, canoeing, games, snacks, campfires, and even dance parties and bouncy houses and slides... Oh yes, and Bella tried and did well with tennis and I was able to squeeze in a little zip lining at the end of the trip. We slept in a cabin and that surprisingly went well too. Ava knew right where the dining hall was and thought we were supposed to eat there every we saw it! We had chapel on Sunday and there was a family talent show one night. The pool there is perfect for little ones as well, complete with water slides that we were able to take the kids on. It was quite a success!