Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

mud pies and cookies

Bella and I have had a blast playing in the dirt. I recently introduced her to good ol' fashioned mud pies and then we did some real baking too- well, easy bake style.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's a girl!

Another sweet baby girl to dress up and play with. Bella told me the morning of that the baby in my tummmy was a "guwl." She was right! She went with us to the ultrasound and said, "I like her." I am so glad she does but that may not last when she comes in and starts taking her time and toys!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

a girl after his own heart

Bella is enjoying golf these days just like her daddy!

This is from a visit we took to Knoxville. Bella really enjoyed visiting her uncle at the firestation.

in other news...

We can hardly wait! We find out in just two short days what baby number two is! Again, I am praying for a boy and Bella and Randy have no preference :) We will be sure to let you know!

Bella goes to Playschool!

Bella started playschool at our church last week and is doing really well. One of her favorite things to do is paint and they do it everyday... perfect for me :) She is also going great with potty training. Though she started back in March and had some times of regression, she has kept dry at playschool and home for the last week!

(This was her ready for the first day!)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

needing a new title

not sure what i will call this blog soon but with little one number two on the way, i must find something else! today, i went to the doctor and heard the baby's hearbeat. it is just a sweet sweet sound. i am really praying and hoping for a boy this time, but today had me a little worried...

the nurse had some trouble finding the heartbeat and of course, i got nervous. after a few minutes of trying, the doctor gave it a shot and found it thank goodness! as soon as he found it, the baby shot to the other side of my stomach and the doctor had to play a game of chase to catch him or her again! he said, "you may need a bigger backyard for this one!" and then of course, i thought of my dear husband and all of his energy :) maybe i should re-think this whole prayer for a boy!

anyway, we will know on sept 16th if bella is going to have a brother or a sister!