Bella has far passed my expectations for a child. There is nothing like it. We are enjoying every moment (well almost) and just want time to stand still on a regular basis. Eventually we will have more children I am sure but for now, we are content. Why rock the boat?
She is saying, "hola," "mommy," "poppy," and "pop," "where-id-go?," "Bob," "woah," and "wow" in addition to all the other words she said before like bubble, da da, and baby.
She got a lot of dolls and the like for Christmas as well as a dream kitchen so she is very busy making house all day long. It looks like a small day care center in our living room.
She recently had double ear infections and bronchitis and then we got hit with about 5 inches of snow so she was thrilled the last couple of days when her 9 day hiatus came to an end. We were all getting cabin fever! She didn't care much for the snow but enjoyed sledding with mama a couple of times one morning. Thankfully I found some snow pants for a mere $12 online and they arrived just a day before the storm hit. I think she was much happier this time around being dry and hopefully warm!
Before and right after Christmas we did a lot of driviing around and looking at Christmas lights. She really lets you know how much she loves it so it was hard not to take her almost every night! She screams, points and says a lot of "wow"s and "woah"s.
She is still really enjoying day care and also enjoys one day a week with each grandma. This cuts our daycare bill down a bit and gives us a break two mornings a week- not having to wake her so early and rush around like crazy.
That's all for now. Its hard to believe she is almost two!!