Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Friday, March 26, 2010

more of my favorite things

1. finding Bella's golf balls in the tupperware drawer 2. finding half-eaten cookies in the toys 3. finding plastic Easter eggs in the trash and 4. finding little toy trains and things in our shoes

they make me smile every time :)

one night last week while I was at work, Randy called and texted me, panicking because he couldn't find her lovey (Bella was screaming her head off in the crib). when i got home and asked him where he eventually found it, he said it was in our shower :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

look what bella's cousins gave us!

we are so excited to have this to play on this summer. we have had all of this great spring weather and of course when we get this, the weather goes cold on us but as soon as it warms up, we will back out there!

here is randy putting it together:

and bella checking it out!

baby noah

i went to a baby shower sunday for my best friend from high school. she and her husband are expecting their first baby boy in early may. it was so great to see the girls from high school and so many are moms. bella stayed home for her nap but i wish she could have met everyone.

these are the little onsies i made for him to wear one day:

the new coca-cola commercial

i wish!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thanks to...

MaGa & Pop Pop, Bella has a new carseat & stroller! Bella is about to outgrow her infant carseat and this is the next step (and the next!) It will last us until she weighs 100 lbs! She is getting so big & doing more & more each day. Where does the time go? I would live this past year over & over again. It has been pure joy.

(We were in midst of changing from pajamas to clothes when the UPS man arrived)

The stroller was a little bonus! It came for free with the purchase of this carseat. It works nicely as the stroller we have is heavy & takes up a lot of space. We can use the new one for traveling & quick trips to the pool.

Thank you MaGa & PopPop!! As you can see, she is excited!

Spring is coming!

Thank goodness. We are so excited about this time of year with Bella. We have been spending some good time outside before it gets too hot. Summer around here is brutal but these next few months are just perfect. Bella got a new pair of Bermuda shorts from her aunt & I painted her toe nails. She has started to point to the back door and tries to slide it open. It is so cute. She has so much fun in our little back yard playing on the quilt and exploring a bit. We don't have to tell her, she knows this is great weather for being outside!

doesn't she just look like an explorer here?

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Saturday we took a ride on the train down town to see the parade. We didn't stay long but it was good to get out in the pretty sunshine!

spaghetti head

Bella has a new love: spaghetti (and pizza).

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

we have a cleaning machine

on our hands.. she sure makes a mess but as i type, she is going around cleaning everything in sight with a wipe. she has loved getting her hands on wipes lately and today she started on her travel high chair. it was sitting in the kitchen from yesterday and i heard her talk-yelling at something. i turned around and she was wiping the tray and then started on the back of it. after the high chair, she started on the dining room chairs and table (the parts she could reach anyway). guess she watches her mommmy do this ;)

Bella's first...

Picnic! We went to our favorite park again and had a nice picnic. Bella really liked it. We had another one at home for lunch on Monday and one for dinner with Daddy that night too. We are crazy for picnics! This weather is just gorgeous!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

busy bees

This last week has been so busy. Thursday we went to my dad's place and our visit included a little shopping spree for Bella. My dad wanted her to have toys and a carseat for his house. Anyway, she was spoiled!

Friday we went to ImaginOn with our baby friends and their moms. The program we went for didn't end up happening but there was a bilingual one that was interactive and worked for a little bit. We went with Bella's friends, Pearce, Sophia and Jayne. Sophia and Jayne met us at the light rail station and we rode the train down town which was a blast in and of itself. They also have a play area perfect for their age. We are looking forward to going again very soon!

This picture is of the girls when we first met at the station. They were all bundled up and wondering what in the world we were doing to them! Unfortunately it was really windy and cold.

This is at ImaginOn:

And last but not least, the girls on the ride home. (That's right: passed out!)

The remainder of the weekend we spend with Bella's MaGa & PopPop. We got to eat out and play with cousins a lot! Bella's cousin Sophie turned four Sunday so that was also a lot of fun to celebrate.

bottomless pit

Bella takes after her Daddy in that she is a bottomless pit. I am thankful she is such a good eater though :)