Livin on a crock pot and prayers.

Monday, January 25, 2010

toof number two!

Bella's second tooth appeared on Saturday. They don't seem to be bothering her but she loves to use them on everything! Last night she took three "steps" crawling... you know three moves of the knees and arms. It was amazing! however, she has not done it again so we will gladly accept more time to get used to our new cleaning habits. I am a vacuuming fool these days because anything and everything goes into the mouth. Unfortunately, I left our camera at a birthday party we went to yesterday so I can't share any pictures in the next few days but I will make up for it when I get it back!

Friday, January 22, 2010

a day at the park

this past Monday, on MLKJr day, we had gorgeous spring weather so Randy and I took B to the park near our house for a wagon ride. we also let her try some of the equipment.

baby mama club

Some girls that I have known for a looong time plus some that I have recently met get together on a weekly basis to let our babies play while we talk and drink coffee. We refer to it as the "baby mama club." Here is a picture of yesterday's chaos.

We wanted to get an updated picture of all the babes as we do periodically but we had to resort to holding them because with almost all of them crawling now, it is like rounding up ants.

so what's the common denominator?

Yellow! She picked out all yellow toys so we are thinking this must be her favorite color... at least for now.

here we are!

have you been looking for us? here we are! this is our new location to update you on bella. there is no limit on a site like this so this will make it much easier for blogging and putting up pictures.